Tableware Containers – Tests

Some more interactive home wares – these containers intend to be small table center pieces or as small dishes for individuals. The tessellating forms can be stacked, or can fit together with one turned upside down. The forms are based on the below kaleidoscope image which I created from a photo of buildings in Amsterdam. I aim for them to be multiuse pieces; on the table, to display on a shelf, or easy to pack away if you have little space in the home. As with the ceramic chalis’, I have not yet figured out the surface design yet but here are some experimental test examples, more will be posted soon!

IMAG0403 IMAG0489 IMAG0490 IMAG0497 IMAG0498 IMAG0499 IMAG0527 IMAG0538 IMAG0539 IMAG0542 IMAG0548 IMAG1277 IMAG1291 IMAG1293 IMAG1457 IMAG1458 SAM_6862 SAM_6869

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